The Twelve Most Significant C7DA Signet Articles

Reign of Grace

How much more power is there in grace than there is in sin? Whence comes grace? Whence comes sin?

The Power of The Word

In the Christian life everything depends upon the Word of God. It is true that God is able and desires to keep us from sinning, but this must be done through His Word.

If I Have Found Grace in Thy Sight

Can every believer have grace enough to keep him free from sinning? If anyone does not have it, it is not because enough has not been given, but because he does not take that which has been given.

The Sin War

Do you know why you struggle with sin? Because you’re fighting a war that is over. Do you know why you can’t win? Because its already won.

Who are the 144,000?

Is it true that the 144,000 cannot belong to the present generation, or be gathered in the gospel dispensation; for they were sealed out of the twelve tribes of the children of Israel?

The New Moon

Does the moon glory in and of itself? God forbid! The glory of the moon is the sun. The "Sun of Righteousness" is the glory of The Church.

Victory over Sin through Faith in Christ

If you give yourself to him, and accept him as your Saviour, then, sinful as your life may have been, for his sake you are accounted righteous. What does this mean?

Removing the Blessing?

The Law of the 10 Commandments has no power to forgive, or to restore, or to atone. It exists solely to reveal to us what righteousness and unrighteousness entail. So, do we remove the Blessing?

Experimental Religion

An “experimental” religion does not indicate one that “might or might not work.” It means that it is something we learn from personal experience, from trying the faith of Yahshua for ourselves.

The Curse of Independence

When YAHWEH calls us, in these last days, to depart from the crumbling tower of modern, spiritual Babylon. (Rev 18:4) Is it to be imagined that He has dealt with us in any lesser manner than His people in previous ages? Are you committing spiritual suicide?

The Judgment Seat of Christ

"We shall all stand before the judgment seat of Christ." (Romans 14:10)

The House of God

One of the things that both Jehovah’s Witnesses and the Mormons have in common, and that they have correctly in common, is the concept of a true, united Church. This is, indeed, a Biblical concept. However...

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