Letters to Rachel

That which we have seen and heard declare we unto you, that ye also may have fellowship with us: and
truly our fellowship is with the Father, and with His Son Jesus Christ. And these things write we unto you that your joy may be full.
(1 John 1:3-4)

Bro. David began to receive letters from a certain young woman who had many questions concerning the specifics of a certain spiritual condition, but it seems like YAH had other ideas for this conversation. As it turns out, the topic gradually shifted to Heavenly matters. As Rachel became more interested in the condition of the world and how we got from the perfect, holy creation in the beginning to this corrupt shadow of its former self, Bro. David was inspired to write a series of letters to her outlining just that.
May they be as much a blessing to you as they have been for Bro. David to write them and for Rachel to read them.

Letters to Rachel pt. 1
(The Fall of an Archangel.mp3)
Letters to Rachel pt. 2
(The Seduction in Eden.mp3)
Letters to Rachel pt. 3
(The Patience of the Saints.mp3)
Letters to Rachel pt. 4
(The Avatar of YAHWEH.mp3)
Letters to Rachel pt. 5
(The Death-Knell of The Dragon.mp3)
Letters to Rachel pt. 6A
(In Spirit and in Truth Part 1.mp3)
Letters to Rachel pt. 6B
(In Spirit and in Truth Part 2.mp3)
Letters to Rachel pt. 7
(The Cleansing of the Sanctuary.mp3)
Letters to Rachel pt. 8
(Standing in the Judgement.mp3)

Note: The audio version of Letters to Rachel is still in process of editing, however, you can listen to each one of them and enjoy its content with no problem. YAH Bless you!